» Millum - JoinForces

Millum "a different reality"

Millum is a technology company that supplies purchasing systems for large organizations within hotels, restaurants and canteen/facility management in the Nordic region. Through their latest campaign and promotional film, Millum aims to raise awareness about the importance of having control over procurement to successfully run a foodservice operation. Their aim was to create a different way of showing that they know this industry well, while at the same time they wanted to recognize everyone who works in the catering industry - a demanding place to work.

Horn & Co, the agency behind the campaign, reveals that this project is one of the largest they have undertaken since their establishment approximately three years ago. Join Forces is truly honored to have been selected to execute the production with Joon Brandt serving as director and creative mind for the commercial. The ThruPlayRate was high, which emphasizes that it was a success.


Director: Joon Brandt

Agency: Horn & Co

Production: Join Forces

Dop: Øyvind Sandnes


Sound: Svein-Ketil Bjøntegård